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Embrace a heartfelt

In this advanced psychic mediumship class, students delve deeper into honing their psychic abilities and mediumship skills. You will learn advanced techniques for connecting with spiritual energies, including guides, angels, and deceased loved ones. This may involve refining your intuition, deepening your understanding of energy dynamics, and expanding your ability to receive and interpret messages from the spirit realm.


In this advanced psychic mediumship class various methods for delivering messages ethically and responsibly will be explored. This includes understanding the importance of maintaining boundaries, respecting the privacy of clients, and delivering messages with compassion and sensitivity. You will also learn techniques for managing your own energy and emotions during readings to ensure how to remain grounded and centered throughout the process.


There will be opportunities for students to practice their skills in a supportive environment. Through these hands-on experiences, students gain confidence in their abilities and deepen their connection to the spirit world, ultimately empowering them to serve as effective and compassionate mediums in their communities

CLASS DATES:  April 3, 10, 17, 2024 and

May 1, 8, 2024  6 PM-7:30 PM CST


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Awaken & Grow Your Gifts 
as a Psychic Medium

Learn to:

Use several claires at once to give a detailed message
Maintain a connection longer
Explore grounded methodology for mediumship
How to stay in control of the reading
Learn to set boundaries and maintain your own energy

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Embrace a heartfelt

Welcome to our Introductory course on Psychic Mediumship, a journey into understanding the profound language of the spiritual realm. Throughout this class, we'll embark on a comprehensive exploration of the history of mediumship. Moreover, we'll delve into essential techniques designed to safeguard your energy while engaging with spirits.
Our aim is to unravel the intricate fabric of the language spoken by spirits, presented in easily digestible segments. We'll establish a solid foundation, empowering you to extract compelling evidence and convey heartfelt messages from various spirits. Whether you seek communication with a departed loved one, an angelic presence, or a guiding spirit, this course will equip you with the skills to establish meaningful connections.

CLASS DATES:  February 7,  14, 21, 28 2024

March 6, 2024  6 PM-7:30 PM CST


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Deep Quantum

Awaken & Grow Your Gifts 
as a Psychic Medium

Learn to:

Unleash your innate mediumship ability
Establish meaningful connections to the spirit world
Explore grounded methodology for mediumship
Substantiate the accuracy of your insights
Feel a greater sense of peace and serenity

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Christy Godwin Psychic Medium Spiritual Advisor Healer

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Disclaimer:  For legal reasons, we have to advise you that the readings are for entertainment purposes only and are intended for use by adults 18 years of age or older. By your use of this website, you confirm that you are at least 18 years old. Any readings that are provided are for guidance only. All readings/information should at no time be regarded as legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. Booking and paying for an appointment confirm that you understand and agree to these terms.
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